Changelog Key

Please use these categories to communicate changes made to for the following audiences: administrators, content creators, designers, developers, faculty, learners, partners, philanthropic investors, tech support agents, and vendors. 

  • ACTIVATED previously installed feature or plugin. 
  • ADDED new content or learning function. 
  • ALIGNED versions to ensure compatibility. 
  • ARCHIVED content, code, files, and products. 
  • DEACTIVATED plugin or add-on. 
  • DEPRECIATED outdated or unused function. 
  • FIXED bugs or errors. 
  • IMPROVED content or enhanced feature. 
  • INSTALLED plugin or add-on. 
  • OPTIMIZED pages or site for improved performance. 
  • PUBLISHED new course, product, or content. 
  • REMOVED content, code, or plugins. 
  • SECURED site with enhanced cybersecurity features. 
  • TESTED content, functionality, or feature. 
  • UPDATED content, add-ons, or plugins. 
  • UPLOADED new app build

Nate Walker is the author of this solution article.

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